
Spiritual Principle #1- Honor and Love God

By Bob Kalle

            I am the Lord, your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.

            This is the first commandment that was given to Moses by God as he led the Israelites out of Egypt to the promised land. At first, I thought this was common sense and easy to follow. Either you believed in God or you did not.

            After reading a book by Idleman called “Gods at War”, I realized that this commandment is the foundation for all our beliefs. Basically, we were created so that we will worship something. Either we choose to worship God, or we put other things in front of God.

            I didn’t see the world quite this way for a long time. Then this book discussed how we let things start to rule our world. For instance, some things that rule our world are in the field of entertainment. Everyone has a smart phone that keeps their attention almost 24/7. We have computers that tie us into anything we want to be entertained by. We have T.V.s with a ton of channels so we can watch anything we want to watch. We have access to world-wide news on a 24 hour basis. And when our world is ruled by these parts of our culture, we are worshipping those things.

            How about food? Do we make ourselves feel better by eating? Do we worship food or God and maintain our bodies as a temple of God’s creation?

            How about success? Are we driven to give everything else up in the pursuit of success? Do we put everything second to this pursuit? How about money? Do we sacrifice our faith and family for the almighty dollar? And how about achievement? Do we work 24/7 to reach an earthly goal that puts everything else in the rear view mirror?

            And do we worship ourselves? Are we prideful, egotistical, selfish or self-centered? Do we put ourselves first before God? And do we believe that we can do whatever we want to do when we want to do it and how we want to do it and no one can tell us different? Well, then we think we are god.

            I thought this was an easy commandment to follow until I was given wisdom to understand it better. What do you think? Do you put God in the proper perspective for your eternal destiny?

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About the Author

Bob lives in Florida with his wife and loves to write about parenting, personal development, spirituality, and life. He has a PhD in Social Psychology and loves building his Network Marketing business!

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